Despite being the inventor of Lucky Chairs, I've never really been much of a "chair hopper" myself... OK, there's maybe been one or two prizes in the Greenies' Lucky Chairs that have been *slightly* tempting, but other than that, pretty much the only time I "play" my own games is when I'm demonstrating them in-store (or, occasionally, when I get pestered by a friend to go and do a Lucky Fortunes test... they're convinced that I have some kind of secret god-like cheat mode installed that makes all the Lucky Fortunes machines like me - NOT TRUE!) ... but other than that, I rarely play any of my own merchandise.
At least... that was the case until a couple of days ago.
Somebody drew my attention to a new-ish in-world group - Midnight Maniacs. They'd run a big event at the start of the month - A "Midnight Mania Lockdown Party" (in essence, they get a bunch of merchants to set up stall with Midnight Manias as the central attraction, and then have several hundred people visit the sim, slapping as many boards as they can). It sounded like a pretty cool event, so I signed up to the group so that I could keep track of when they're hosting the next one.
Well... it turns out that Midnight Maniacs is a pretty lively group (1577 members as I write), and there's a pretty constant stream of announcements of all the latest and greatest MM offers sliding through the chat channel. Amidst all that text, things started to catch my eye. It was a Pirate ship that initially did it. I mean, I don't actually _need_ a pirate ship... especially not a 200-plus prim, full-size, meticulously-crafted pirate ship... but, when the SLURL is sitting right there in front of you, and all you need to do is click on a board when you've reached the destination, you tend to think: "hey, why not... there's nothing to lose; it'll only take a second" ... and the deed is done.
Then somebody mentions a pair of men's boots.... and I could really use some new boots...
So, yeah, I think I might have a bit of a Midnight Mania addiction coming on, and it's an entirely bizarre experience... I mean, I *made* this thing, and now even I'm hooked on using it. That never happens. Dangerous stuff!
Anyway, if you're bored, and want to get fixed up with a Midnight Mania addiction of your own, I'd strongly recommend checking out the Midnight Maniacs group. Alternatively, if you operate a Midnight Mania, and want to pimp your wares to some entirely willing victims... well, now you know where to go :)
Co-incidentally, I've finally got Midnight Mania up on XStreet SL. Of course, I'd prefer it if you bought them in-world, as the Lab already gets a hefty slice of my profits without the added XStreet commission on top... but if you're the kind of person who prefers to shop from the comfort of the web, then the XStreet listing is here.
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